Summer can be such a precious time to teach children and to spend time together. Usually as the summer goes along we simply react to our children and by the end we are just trying to keep from going crazy. The key to making this a great time is to make a plan. We need to have a plan for our daily routine and goals for some fun things that we want to do. Children are a lot happier and more secure if there is order in their lives and they can see accomplishments from day to day.
There is no one right schedule, but your children need to know what the expectation will be in your home for the summer. Children that have self discipline and are achieving something positive will be a lot happier than those who are responsible for only a few simple chores and then allowed to be on electronics or out playing for the rest of the day. That kind of freedom leads to attitudes of entitlement, laziness and contention.
- I used to get my children up and we would have scriptures.
- Then they would get dressed and we would have breakfast.
- We would have a fun exercise time and then everyone would have jobs to do.
- I tried to keep them busy until almost lunch time.
- After lunch they would have quiet time where they were to read books.
- The afternoon was for family field trips, swimming, learning new crafts and hobbies, and doing service projects.
- A couple of days a week they would have play time in the afternoons.
It takes a lot of planning to help your children have positive time in the summer but it is all worth it. Next week I will share some fun work ideas, some fun play ideas and some fun ideas about helping them discover a new hobby.
This is such precious time, we need to make the most of it.!!
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