How did the week go? How did the homework go?
Class member: I listened to President Eyring’s talk twice and then started to read it in the Ensign. It stuck more that I needed to be more prepared for the Sabbath. That was a good step for me to do the preparation ahead of time.
My best conference study is when I am listening to them in the car and driving around.
Did anyone evaluate where you are with the Legs of the Temple?
Class member: We recommitted to work on Personal Progress and Faith in God. After they were done eating they both started working on their things. They spent at least an hour and started working on them. I noticed a difference in their attitude and behavior.
This is a 100% perfect example of intentional parenting. We hope they will do it by theirselves, but they don’t. That’s why they have a parent. They need to have someone to return and report to. This was living by the Spirit. The Holy Ghost prompting you.
A lot of kids now are big readers. They do a lot of reading. Parents will say they are reading, but not watching TV or playing devices. Think about what they are reading and how many hours they are reading it. It’s an escape mechanism that is taking them out of relationships, reality, and service. Think about the time they spend in it and think about intentional parenting. So often we have to look at the fact that the activity is not ‘bad’, but is it good.
Class member: We had decided to start reading the D&C this year. Our little ones are having a hard time. I was listening to Elder Natresses talk. Should we be reading the D&C or the Book of Mormon.
D&C is a story. It’s not written in a time line.
Class member (continued): All week we have been talking about the 116 pages that have been lost.
Take that story and go back to the Book of Mormon where it is prophesied.
Class member: We had a good week. Yesterday morning my oldest daughter was being a stink about eating breakfast. She is 5 ½. I have an “eat it or starve” policy. She came down with this little note that said I’m sorry. I know that wasn’t good. I promise to repent. We have been talking about what repentance really means. Then later than night for FHE we went to PoJo’s. She didn’t want to leave. She had a tantrum. It was the most horrific parenting dilemma. I tried really hard to follow up with positive reinforcement. I tried to magnify the things I am good at, but it was a challenge. In that crisis I felt like I kept my cool, but when she was making the other kids scared I lost my cool.
When we get to discipline in that experience you aren’t going to change the child that is throwing the temper tantrum. She’s not in a good place to learn. You can’t change that behavior until they get some of it out. It’s a process of learning. You will learn to remain calm enough that you will keep the kids calm and secure. You will affect those kids more.
Class member: We talked a lot about intentional parenting. We evaluated our day. I am stressed out because we have so many things. We have been putting them in karate and they were in 2 classes per week….6 classes per week. We pulled them out. Now we have time for homework and to do things at home.
You might think about having a ‘family’ class that is sometime during the week. You will have time to be together as a family.
Class member: I have an 8 yr old in ballet. Last week we had to make up a couple of classes so there was too much that week. We didn’t get the laundry done, but we had an hour to do it. It didn’t completely get dry. As she gets in ballet I’m watching her and she snaps out of it. She had a great time. It was one of those things were it was an entitlement generation. She still went and it was good.
When your kids have committed they need to follow through with it. Some of your kids get part way through and when they started with the team they need to stay with the team. As you teach them along the way. It’s good.
Class member: I was lamenting about my kid who is disagreeable. This morning I got a note from my son’s teacher that he is getting an award for being ‘most cooperative’.
At home kids are different than they were out there. Believe that your kids are fabulous in their class when someone tells it to you. They probably are.
Class member: I read this scripture in the D&C. It was in President Eyring’s talk. I like that it’s Christ’s voice talking. “Ye have not as yet understood the great blessings…ye cannot bear all things now….the riches of eternity are yours.” I could just see Him saying…”I have all of this for you. I know that you can’t handle all of it right now, but I will lead you along.”
I’m still leading you along through the hard things.
Class member (continued): Elder Bednar…when the father said, “help though my unbelieve” Perhaps he needed to have the power to believe that Christ could heal his son individually. He said…I know you can do it, but can you really do it for my son.