3-12-15_morality.pdf |
“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”
~Alexander Pope~
Carleen Tanner's Positive Parenting |
“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
Janae Jackman
3/16/2015 10:11:29 am
I have learned so many great things from this class. I have learned that I don't have to be a meaner mom with greater punishments to get my kids to obey, I just need to be a more loving and kinder mom, and that is a very liberating feeling.
Sara Gyllenskog
3/16/2015 02:02:31 pm
This was an intriguing class for me. In our home we are a blended family. Both of our "other" parents are not active in the church and it has effected our children differently... My children are still active in the church and participate in family activities and such. My husband's children refuse to go to church, or have anything to do with FHE, family prayer or scripture study. Morality has been an issue as well at the encouragement of their mother. My husband and I have prayed fervently about what we can do to protect and teach all of our children. It is difficult to keep certain things out of our house when both houses are so different! But I feel we have done a decent job at teaching them what is allowed in our home. The study on morality at BYU was interesting to me as it talked a great deal about how important the mother is!!! My husband's kids are with us 12 out of 14 days and yet the mother has had so much influence on them even when she hasn't been there for them. I have seen it and am experiencing it firsthand! Mothers are the key! I am trying to do what I can to make sure all of the kids know that we love them and that family is eternal. Thank you for this class and teaching us what we can do to protect our children and how we can teach them to be valiant!
3/17/2015 01:22:59 am
This weekend was our Stake Conference and a quote from the Stake President really stuck with me: "It is better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent." I loved it and thought of this class. Thank you!
3/18/2015 06:08:24 am
I have really struggled since our class last week. It wassn't until I read Sara's comments that I realized what my struggle really was and that someone else is in the same boat. I, like Sara, have a blended family. We have custody of all of our kids and my stepkids see their mom two times a month and my kids see their dad a couple of times a year. Both of the other parents are inactive and their values don't match with the values and standards that we teach in our home. My older kids really struggle with fighting against many of the things that are taught in the For Strenght of Youth pamplet. I sometimes feel like the war with Satan is raging in my home each day. As I have pondered and prayed this week, I have been comforted to know that I have taught my kids the gospel and the standards that I hold near and dear to my heart. As the mother in my home, I have been an example to my children. In keeping with Heavenly Father's plan of salvation, they have the agency to choose what to do with what I teach them. I will always love them and no matter how they choose to live their lives, I have done my best as a mother. I am not going to give up trying to influence my children for the better but will let them have their agency,
Cristi Dame
3/18/2015 03:39:29 pm
I have struggled I have struggled with knowing how to begin talking about morality in the home with such young children. I have a five year old and almost 2 year old( both boys). I hopped online to check out the family home evening lessons sister Tanner was talking about and came across sooooo many resources the church has addressing my very same concerns and questions! https://www.lds.org/manual/a-parents-guide?lang=eng and https://www.lds.org/children/resources/topics/media?lang=eng just name a few!
3/18/2015 03:44:23 pm
This weeks lesson was so good. I thought I had a good handle on morality and thought I knew it all. But it was so good to learn the doctrine behind morality. I love the plan of salvation and felt so reassured in knowing if I teach my kids about the plan of happiness, really teach them and have them gain testimonies of it, then I am teaching about morality and our roles and responsibility we have to keep our bodies sacred and pure from the evil influences and practices of the world.
Amanda Chandler
3/18/2015 03:54:13 pm
Before coming to this class last week my daughter was on this kick over the Phantom of the Opera. Watching it, singing the songs over and over again. We own the movie which I've loved except those two tiny parts that are inappropriate. .. the Saturday after class she got up and raced to get her choirs done so she could watch the phantom. I kind of stressed over what to tell her. When she came to me to see if she could watch it, I told her that I didn't feel good about her watching it and told her about the fhe lesson where the dad made the brownies with Judy a tiny bit of dog poop in them. I was surprised when she just said, "ok" like it was really no big deal. I was so happy. It really is no big deal no matter the movie, When you think about the consequences on your spirit! This lesson came at the perfect time, Thanks!
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Andrea Hansen
I will be posting my class notes from Thursday Parenting Class within a few days after class.