How many of you thought about it?
How many of you talked about it?
How did it go over?
Class member: My husband jumped on board and said we are going to do that.
It’s fabulous for small ones to get a vision for what it means to be in our family. You can parent to your family mission statement.
Class member: My husband said ‘That’s awesome!’ My daughter & I read a book about manners and at the end they had a list rules and assignments. My daughter said we should be doing that.
When they are in it that is the time to do it.
Class member: We talked about our mission statement. My husband talked about everyone ‘contributing’ in the family from our mission statement. He taught from our family mission statement.
Class member: I have been working on getting up early and getting prepared for the day. This week I even did my grocery shopping before I came to class today. The kids went to school and I went grocery shopping.
My goal was always to have bread raising before they went to school. They ate 4 loaves a day.
Class member: We talked about it for FHE. My little ones chimed in and now I have to write it. They are 8 and 5.
Class member: We have a silly family song. “That’s not my name!” song.
Class member: I just had a spark of inspiration. I have taken the class before. My husband is the biggest party pooper in the world. He loves to tease me about being in show choir. Maybe I’ll just change the words to that song he teases me with.
Class member: I get really annoyed with my days and I get real frustrated to get everything done. I start my day off really good, but by night I’m always frustrated. When we went over the Essential, Necessary, & Nice things. I had my Nice in my Necessary area. So it validated that when I got my Essentials done and my Necessarys done because then when the Nice things fell off the list. I looked at it differently even though I’m doing the same thing. I’m happier now. That rolls over to everyone else in the family. It was just shifting my mind. I’m planning on teaching this in FHE. Our family needs to swap the Necessary & Nice and then we can write our family statement. I think we get confused and didn’t know it was confused.
Particularly women trying to find balance in our lives but you have to do the right priorities.
Personal Revelation…How are you coming on that?
Class member: My husband and I love this topic. It has struck me that many times when the Spirit speaks to me I think it’s me that is saying it. When I stop and look back at my day I realize it was the Spirit. Heavenly Father cares about us temporally or spiritually. I amazed how subtle and quiet that prompting can be. It’s just a tiny little thought we just have to be aware. It’s not always spiritual promptings.
Heavenly Father cares about the peace in our home. The Holy Ghost is quiet.
Class member: As I read the ‘Courageous Parenting’ talk I had some inspiration and I decided I should start doing some monthly interviews.