Class member: When you are first in class and you were going through everything I thought my husband is SO red. I was almost discouraged. I was annoyed a little. The whole last week I realized that something he did was no a red characteristic. I realized he has a lot of different colors in them.
Red husbands will provide for you.
Class member: With wife is yellow. With kids is red.
It is just interesting to look and see.
Class member: I took the test. I have been blue, but some of the others were harder to pick from this time. My husband is sick and so I’ve had to take over the red.
Class member: I’m pretty sure my younger daughter is yellow with some red. She likes to slow down and look at pictures. She likes to let her mind wander. Yesterday at the pediatrician I’m going to talk really loud and be the center of attention.
Yellows even as adults don’t get the idea of hurry.
Class member: I have a son that is fluorescent yellow. Primary teacher and other parents have a struggle with him. I have another daughter that I had a hard time figuring out. I think she is red. The “Don’t section” with Parenting was really helpful.
Class member: I had heard of the color code a lot. I had an aunt who presented the color code classes. We did it at the family reunion. I didn’t have a positive attitude about it. You said the Atonement allows you to be anyway you want to be. I really appreciated that. We do have strong personalities in our family. Through the Atonement we want the strengths in all of them.
There is a lot of information. After that one week you can’t pigeon hole after that. It’s a tool to help you understand people’s personalities. You need to understand clearly that some things comes naturally to you, but that doesn’t make you good or bad. We need to work on our natural weaknesses and use our natural strengths.
Class member: My daughter is a yellow and I’m blue. I had a hard time understanding her. She is also turning 3. I learned to make it fun and it’s a game and she did almost everything I wanted her to do.
White’s are soft gentle personalities. They are good listeners. They marry a red. They were attracted to the rd in dating. The red is on their best behavior while they are dating. For a red they are project prone. When they are in a project they are focused in the project. When you are dating it is their project. They are fabulous. When you get married that’s not the project. Red’s sometimes then move on and tend to forget to nurture. Sometimes the poor little white wife can feel really lonely. It’s not that the marriage is bad. Now we have to learn to communicate. It’s like fire and ice marrying each other. You don’t give up and say I married the wrong person.
Class member: Last week when you were saying think about your kids, don’t think about your husband. You asked ‘How many of you have labeled your husband?’ We had the goal to be married in the temple. We were just at the reflection pond just sitting there being peaceful. I’m imagining the day we will be sealed. I figured he was thinking the same thing. He was trying to decide whether to be Darth Vader or Spiderman. We just know that we think differently. Humor helps so much in those situations.
Blues take real offense. That hurts them to the core. They backpack it.
Class member: I’ve been thinking about the color code. It’s interesting how blue/red I am. I’m realizing that he is blue/red and we clash. My husband is a red/yellow. I just have to be more aware of him and how he is in his personality.
I think one of the most important things from the color code lesson is to learn that being a marriage partner or a parent requires getting out of yourself. We act according to how “I” feel. Very rarely do we get out of ourselves and look at the feelings from our spouse or our child. This is a challenge to get out of who you are. Stand aside and check and see how they are feeling.
Class member: I wanted to share one thing. I did the color code for family home evening. They wrote their answers down. My husband and I already new what our kids were. We just wanted to see if they came up with the same colors we thought they were. When my kids learned about the strengths and weaknesses in each color, it flipped a switch in their heads. It really taught them so much about themselves. They have been much more tolerant and helpful towards each other. It helps me understand because my husband is blue. I’m white. My son is red and my daughter is yellow. We have quite the fireworks at our home.
You are creating this feeling and love of the scriptures. They will love it and want it in their lives. Do you think kids learn anything in nursery? No. My goal was to make them feel warm and loved and want to come to church. They are learning that they really want to be there.