Class member: 1st talk of Saturday morning…to not think kids don’t have the intellect to understand. In the past I have just let them do their thing, but I have activities this time that kept them close. We painted our pumpkins and had a word search. Ages 7, 3, 1 all got through 4 sessions of Conference
Class member: The difference of accepting and tolerating. We are all equally loved.
One of the challenges you have is living in this world of accepted sin to teach tolerance and acceptance, but still teach sin. It’s hard to not teach tolerance for sin. It’s necessary.
Class member: My 4 year old is in ballet. When they take their papers in they get a prize. This time it was a rub on tattoo. She said she wanted a tattoo like her aunt. They had to visit about that.
Class member: That was very much a message to me through conference. God’s laws are God’s laws and they don’t change. The laws of the land may change, but God’s laws don’t. We are teaching our children & teenagers, and it’s something we need to teach them over and over everyday.
Class member: My hard thing with my 15 year old boy is making friends that have earrings. As a parent at first I freaked out. I believed I knew where they were heading, but I shouldn’t judge them. I don’t want my son being around that. I’m still learning.
Class member: Our roles as women on Sunday afternoon. When the laws of the land change ours don’t. Those of us that are stay at home moms how important it is to still have that role as mother. That is what we are supposed to do. It was interesting that 100s of women showed up to Priesthood session and weren’t allowed in. Our role isn’t diminished because we don’t have the priesthood.
Class member: We started the week before where we prepped for conference. I made a poster and talked about the 1st presidency and quorum of the 12. The kids saw it all week. My 7 year old was into conference being busy doing things. We did get a lot more out of it. The family night afterwards we went through and were going to do what the 12 talk about.
Have them pick a talk or a story that they like and have them share it as FHE. They can tell the principle and make it work. When it comes from them. That’s where they learn.
Class member: Gummy Bear Treasure Hunt
Class member: We gave every family in Primary a copy of the Ensign. We tried to encourage them to read it. Maybe we need to do one more step and have them do a treasure hunt.
Class member: I would get frustrated because I couldn’t hear. After last year I decided that they needed to find 2-3 things in each talk and we would sit together and everyone tells us what those things were and they get a treat. My 5 year old can’t write or read so I printed off a thing for each of the 12 apostles and he had to color them. I let my 2 year old color and stuff. At the end was the blessings come after conference. The blessings come when we act on it. This year I wanted everyone to pick something from all the things we learned that they felt like they needed to work on. So we all did them. I was so happy that my daughter picked the thing I wanted her to pick. She recognized that. She needed to work on that . She had gotten that in her life and it needed to change. I made a “Prayer roll” on a chalk board. I have them write down what it is that we want to pray about. It’s changed the way we prayer. We had all these things that say please bless. My husband said we needed to change it and say things we are grateful. The kids have made notebooks and they put 3 gratitudes and a CTR moment in them each day.
Change in percentages. You don’t have to be perfect. Work toward it one step at a time.
My quote for this conference is… “Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith”. President Uchtdorf General Conference October 2013
The other thing that struck me in general… as we got all these talks about women and our roles and priesthood session televised. As I read through my notes I got a ‘feeling’ about conference for me. These women you saw in the news they are calling themselves the ordained women of the church. The leader is from Washington DC and is an attorney a member of the church. They are showing their rebellion with dress pants to church. There were about 200 of them at the Priesthood session of conference. One at a time they turned them away. The women spokesman for the church spoke to each one of them and said, “We’re sorry.” The church stood and they didn’t get in.
I don’t know if that’s why it was broadcast. They read the letter and encouraged them to go to the Stake Centers. A lot of people chose to still watch it. Same thing with women in the women’s conference. These women profess to have testimonies of the gospel, but are unwilling to follow the prophet. They want to change the structure of the church. Almost all the original 12 fell away from the church was caused by them not agreeing with the prophet. Jesus Christ sets the standard. As we go through these last days I felt the message ‘to follow the prophet.’ As we come into even more disturbing times the church will be cleansed from the inside out. We are going to receive outside pressure, but it will be from the inside out.
I think you will find a lot of ‘causes’ sent out. You might be tempted because they are sounding logical and good. Be careful! Doubt your doubts, but don’t doubt your faith. Be careful who you choose to follow. There are slick tongued female Korihors out there. Every principle evaluate it against the prophets, your testimony, and light. You will be tempted. You have to decide up front where you are going to stand and then stand true! Stand firm! Stand strong! There is going to be some tough things. My mindful and don’t think it won’t happen to you. It can. Say your prayers every day and read your scriptures every day. Your scriptures are your shield. Do it! There is no activity or sleep that is more important.
Class member: I teach Relief Society. I did a lesson on priesthood. It was about the word ‘helpmeet’. What I learned is that word only appears in the scriptures once. There is not a word that directly translates. It is that ‘men and women are equal, but not the same.’ It is like looking at each other as if you were looking in the mirror….equal, but not the same.
Those are women that have hearts that are hard and closed.
Do you feel good about being a woman? I want you to know that women have given from the pre-existence more power than men. Power being the power to influence. Whose responsibility is it to nurture marriage? We have been blessed with the capacity to do it.
Class member: From one of the talks…with women that have small children, not being able to focus on the sacrament. The mom took the time on Saturday afternoon to think about what needed to be changed so they were prepared to take the sacrament.
When we take the sacrament we are actually renewing all our covenants.