Class member: I noticed my kids were great.
Class member: My 3rd is a 6 yr old son and he is very good, but very quiet. I think with the mix of my children he gets ignored. I have tried to do more single dates with my kids. We went to lunch. He gets really emotional and starts crying really fast. He came in and said he was really trying to not be mean to the kids. He realized that I care about his feelings. He didn’t get pushed aside.
Class member: I was trying to take more opportunities to bring Jesus & the scriptures into getting along. They were both in time out. Jesus said “He who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Class member: I recognized after class that I was teaching them it was ok to teach them that it was ok for them to make a choice to sin. I realized that I put them in situations that were not positive. The Spirit told me I was amazing, but I could be better if I changed this one little thing.
Class member: It was recognizing the times I felt the Spirit. I felt like what am I doing wrong why do I not feel the Spirit. I had a sick child and an injured child. I thought I better pick up my kids from school today and the bus was late that day and they would have missed their music lessons. That would have really stressed me. It’s been good to stop and recognize the small things that the Spirit has answered me and been with me. I had a hard week, but several times I did feel the Spirit guiding me. I wrote it in my journal so I could remember.
Especially those little things…it’s like Heavenly Father is putting his arms around you and helping you in the little things.
Class member: I felt like I could see His hand in my life so much more. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but we have always tried to recognize the gifts we are given. My daughter had several days that have been really rough. I prayed if he would prompt me then I would do whatever he asked. The Spirit said to stop and give her one more kiss on the head and tell her that I love her. She settled down and went to sleep. He is aware of us and knows what we need. He is the perfect parent. Do I pause and act like Him as a parent to my kids.
Class member: I have a really oppositional kid. He cannot be agreeable. I don’t know how to get him to agree. We had another disagreement and the Spirit said just give him a hug. I thought I don’t want to hug this kid. I said have you given me a 5 minute hug today? He melted in my arms. The next day he asked me where is my 5 minute hug. Everyday since he has asked for that. That was not my doing. I am so grateful for the Spirit.
I had a child like that who disagreed to disagree. I asked her if she disagreed with everything I said. She told me that she thought if I agreed with you I would lose my own identity and became like you. Rather than push moments to make them agree, we need to allow them to be independently. Allow him to be him and not to be you.
To use the Atonement we stop, turn, and act on what the Spirit has told us.
Class member: I have 3 kids and we moved and I drive them to school everyday. We have been listening to talks and scriptures in the car on the way. It sets the tone for the day. I drop them off and watch them go. My youngest got half way there and turned back. She came all the way back and blew me a kiss. Heavenly Father must feel the same way when we acknowledge our love for him. If we can feel that way about our Heavenly Father how much more are we going to feel his love back.
What did you learn or internalize or commit to last week?
Class member: I learned that I need to read the Ensign (Conference issue) with new eyes. As we re-read those 2 talks and with intent and we were amazed. Heavenly Father really does know what we need now.
Class member: I learned that I kind of had a ‘nagging’ I took it as a prompting. I paid attention to what I hadn’t done. We bought this shelf for my daughter and it doesn’t have any hangers on the back. I thought we need to hang that shelf. It doesn’t matter if it’s a prompting for a spiritual thing or not. The prompting didn’t have to be about spiritual things.
We want to translate and interpret them before we follow the promptings. The Spirit prompts us temporally and spiritually The Spirit will prompt, but he won’t compel or yell.
Class member: On the way to class last week I said I need to ask Sister Tanner a question, but then I pushed it off. Last Tuesday was the month mark of my brother losing his son that was 3 weeks old. I thought I should ask Sister Tanner what people did for her. Did you have things that people appreciated when you lost your baby?
The things that mattered most were the things were people celebrated her life with me. Where they would come and say I remember her smile. She was 4 months old. They would say I remember holding her in church. That was more lifting to me to celebrate her life then to mourn her passing. For someone to say ‘what a blessing she was…’ that blesses me.