Class member: Last night we did a FHE lesson. My 11yr old came home with a First Vision Lesson from Activity Days. Everyone was sitting silently while she was teaching the lesson. Then my husband and I took turns bearing our testimony about the First Vision. I remembered to point out the Spirit to them so they could start to recognize it.
They need to know the Spirit is in the home and want to seek that. The peaceful feeling in their home they will want to accept that into their homes. Build on it in their homes and in their personal lives. As you are putting them to bed ask “Have you felt the Spirit today?” Most of them feel that the Spirit only comes in the big things. Our responsibility is that the Spirit is touching them multiple times a day.
Our kids often thing the Holy Ghost is a disciplinarian. It’s not just that. We have to teach them how to feel it every day. They need to be conscious of it so much that they can feel when it leaves. We want them to live so the Spirit doesn’t leave. Sometimes we become so accustomed to having the Spirit with us that we don’t know how to explain it until it leaves. Kids have to learn both sides of the equation.
Class member: I have 2 kids that are starting to feel the Spirit, but they are doing awkward things to break it. I was telling them that we need to feel the Spirit and sometimes we try to break it, but we need to pray to be ok to feel that and enjoy and don’t try to push the Spirit way. Try to enjoy the peace. It was interesting to see their body language change.
They are uncomfortable and they want to get back to where it’s comfortable.
Class member: I went back to my kids Tuesday night and I tucked them in bed and asked them what Tender Mercies they felt today. I told them that I would be asking them about them more often. She came home from school and asked if she could have a notebook to write down her miracles.
Where she is new at this talk to her and say that this can be a gift you give back to Heavenly Father. Maybe at Christmas you can give this as a gift back to Heavenly Father as a gift to Him. If you give her a goal and make a visual and they can see it they will stick with it longer. Part of your Christmas celebration ask her if maybe she would like to share some of those things she saw as her way of saying “Thank You”. You will find a sweet spirit will come when that happens.
Class member: Our 3 yr old is saying “I’m sharing. I’m happy.” Now it’s overboard because he’s saying “I’m happy.”
They sometimes are doing positive things to get attention. This will end up becoming irritating. Check your feelings. You will know that what they are doing is for undue attention. At that point don’t make a big deal about it. Don’t give them attention on demand when they are asking for it because they are becoming dependent on it. Say “I’m glad you are happy. We will talk about it tonight.”
Class member: Last week we talked about reverence too. It dawned on my that my 11 yr old is still irreverent. I listened to Sister Lifferth’s talk. This time it was ‘Reverence begins with you not the child.’ I need to look at me at church and see if I’m doing it.
Reverence is thinking about the Savior. It’s being focused on the talks. It’s figuring out what they could learn from talks.
If you don’t earn it you don’t get it.
Class member: We were doing things you suggested for Conference. We had the key words. In Sacrament meeting my 3 yr old leaned over and said can I have a Skittle they said ‘Jesus Christ’. At least he was listening. I told him he could have them when he got home.
Class member: The thing I liked about the talk too it begins with us treating them with respect.
Class member: A butterfly will only come to you if you are sitting quietly, but if you are wiggling it will fly away. The Spirit will come to you when you are sitting quietly.